lani oelerich


What year did you join the orchestra?
I started when the orchestra first formed in 1969.

How long have you been playing music?
I have been playing music since I was in the 4th grade. That was when I started playing the Bass and have played it ever since.

How did you pick your instrument?
My mother wanted me to play the violin and I didn’t want to play it. I saw the Bass when I was in middle school in music class and carried it all the way home.

I am retired now but I was a music teacher for the Washoe County School district. Music was my passion and goal and I always knew that I was going to be a musician.

When you’re not playing with the Reno Phil, what would we most likely see you doing in your free time?
I really enjoy writing music in my free time. My son made a movie and I wrote the entire music to it one summer. He would send me the clips of his scenes and I would sit at the piano and create the music to go with it.

What genre of music are you most excited to play?
When I was a kid I grew up in Burbank, California and really enjoyed playing jazz music but now I am a big fan of Classical and Symphony music.

What is your favorite piece of all time to play, and why?
There are too many to choose from!

If you could meet one composer/musician, who would it be and why?
Beethoven, he is was such an amazing composer and I enjoy listening and playing it.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Hawaii is my favorite spot to spend vacation.

What do you think the audience would find surprising about you?
I love animals and I have a husky dog. We have had a large variety of animals our whole life from horses to cats.

What about performing live music brings you joy?
I love to see how people react to the music. I enjoy seeing how much they liked the concert at the end of the show. None of this would be possible without my husband Ralph, we just celebrated our 64th anniversary.