Anti-harassment policy
The Reno Philharmonic Association (the “RPA”) is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and other non-work related tension caused by prohibited harassment. Harassment based upon race, sex, age, national origin, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability is prohibited. Harassment includes, without limitation, verbal harassment (epithets, derogatory comments or slurs), physical harassment (assaulting, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or movement of an individual), visual harassment (derogatory posters, cartoons, drawings or gestures), and innuendo. Harassment also includes reprisals against a Covered person for reporting instances of harassment or sexual harassment.
For the purposes of this policy, “Covered Persons” includes but is not limited to employees, contractors, volunteers (including Board members and Chorus members), youth program participants and their parents/guardians or other family members attending youth program activities.
Questions and Reporting
If you have any questions concerning this harassment policy, contact the appropriate Designated Person as described below:
For all Covered Persons, the RPA President and CEO. Any Covered person may contact the Chair of the Board of Directors, or other Board Officer, in the event they are not comfortable addressing a question or complaint to the position designated above, or the Designated Person is alleged to have violated this policy.
The Chair of the Board of Directors will be informed of any written complaint and any complaint concerning a current member of the Board of Directors.
You will not suffer retaliation for reporting occurrences of harassment or discrimination and the RPA will take reasonable steps to ensure your privacy, if possible. All reports of alleged harassment will be investigated. Individuals who engage in harassment will be disciplined up to and including termination/barring from participation in RPA activities depending on the circumstances.
Sexual Harassment
The RPA bases its determinations relative to employment, training, compensation and promotions on job-related qualifications in compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations, which prohibit discrimination based on sex. Under federal and state laws, sexual harassment is illegal. Just as we do not allow violations of other laws at the RPA, we do not tolerate sexual harassment.
It is our policy that all Covered Persons are entitled to a workplace free of harassment. We insist that all Covered Persons treat each other and our customers with courtesy, dignity, and respect. We take our obligation to maintain a workplace free of harassment, whether intentional or unintentional, very seriously. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct, which constitutes a serious offense and will subject offenders to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, we define sexual harassment as: Any unwelcome or offensive sexual advances, requests for favors, or conduct of a sexual nature either verbal or physical.
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct and other verbal or physical conduct, or visual forms of harassment of a sexual nature, if the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment to the individual Covered Person.
All Covered Persons are expected to adhere to the provisions of this policy in maintaining a work environment that is free from harassment. Similarly, we do not allow customers, vendors, or anyone else coming on to our property or other sites of RPA activities to engage in such offensive behavior.
As with other forms of discrimination or problems you encounter, you should immediately report such a situation to the Designated Person defined on page 1 of this document. Your situation will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Covered Persons who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
It is the policy of the RPA that all Covered Persons have a right to work and participate in an environment free from illegal discrimination, including sexual harassment. The company expects all Covered Persons to work towards this goal and does not tolerate sexual harassment by any of its employees.
Sexual harassment can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Examples of conduct that could be a violation of this policy are listed below. Please note these are not the only examples. If you have a question about whether conduct is permissible under this policy, you should discuss it with the appropriate Designated Person.
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, propositions, and invitations to social events;
Offensive physical contact or physical closeness;
Use of offensive words of a sexual nature, describing body parts, sexual acts, telling “suggestive” jokes or stories, and/or conversations about sexual exploits, sexual preferences, and desires;
Displaying in the workplace sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, pornographic magazines, or representations of any action or subject which is sexual in nature and which can be perceived as offensive;
Sabotaging an employee’s character, reputation, work affects, or property because of sex;
Direct or indirect suggestions that an employee’s job security, job assignment, conditions of employment or opportunities for advancement depend in any way on the granting of sexual favors or relations.
Asking questions about sexual orientation or preferences.
Consistently harassing only members of one sex, even if the content of the verbal abuse is not sexual.
Complaints Relating to Harassment
It is imperative that any report of harassment, including sexual harassment, be made promptly to ensure the provisions of this policy can be followed and the situation appropriately be addressed. A Covered Person who believes he or she has been subjected to harassment, including sexual harassment, should make his or her concerns known by:
Documenting the occurrences of harassment.
Advising the appropriate Designated Person.
The facts surrounding the offensive conduct or communication shall be put in writing by the complaining Covered Person. To the fullest extent possible, the investigation will be kept confidential.
Management Responsibility
Any supervisor or manager who becomes aware of possible sexual or other unlawful harassment must immediately advise the Designated Person.
Determination of Whether Harassment Occurred
All complaints of harassment, including sexual harassment, will be examined impartially and, after investigation of the allegations, the RPA will determine the final disposition. The investigation may include interviews with the employee making the charges, the accused employee, and appropriate witnesses. All determinations are made on an individual basis. The Covered Person making the complaint will be advised of the final disposition of the complaint.
Penalties for Harassment
A violation of this policy may be grounds for immediate discipline, up to and including termination, loss of a position on the Board, expulsion from any RPA program or ensemble, being barred from volunteering for the RPA, or other appropriate action. The RPA recognizes that false accusations of sexual harassment can have serious effects on innocent men and women. Accordingly, accusations which are not made in good faith may also be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination, or other appropriate actions. Sanctions, if any, will be determined on a case-by-case basis, after a review of relevant information.
Reporting to the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall, at least annually, receive a report from the CEO describing if any reports of harassment were received by the RPA, and the disposition of the investigation(s). This report shall not include personal information identifying the person(s) filing or the person(s) subject to a complaint. The Executive Committee of the Board may ask for details of the disposition of any claim(s) in a closed personnel session of the Committee in order to carry out the obligations of the Board of Directors.
How to Get Information
Any questions regarding your obligations under this policy should be directed to the President and CEO. In the event that he/she is unavailable, contact the Chair of the Board of Directors, or other Board Officer.