Below you will find answers to all of your big questions like requirements for entry, where to park, what to wear, and when to clap. You can also hear it here straight from our wonderful conductor Laura Jackson.
Please review our full ticketing policies here.
All single-ticket sales for non-subscribers are final.
Season Ticket Subscribers may exchange any of their tickets for other performances of the same event. If you cannot attend a performance, simply call (775-323-6393) or visit our box office (925 Riverside Dr., Ste. 3) to exchange your tickets at least 24 hours before the performance. There is an additional cost if seating upgrades apply, and all exchange requests are subject to availability.
You may also donate your ticket back to the Reno Phil and receive a donation receipt. Please submit your request prior to the concert by emailing boxoffice@renophil.com.
For our Classix series, we offer a Senior Rate, a Youth Rate, and group discounts. For more detail, please check the ticket information page here.
We sometimes offer special promotion codes via email, but these are rare. You must be signed up for our email list to receive these offers. To sign-up for our emails, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
General FAQs
It’s always the first question, but should be the last thing to worry about.
Our performances can be more formal in an informal town. Some people enjoy dressing up, wearing suits and cocktail dresses to celebrate the occasion. You’ll see some finery, but rarely a tuxedo or evening gown. Patrons will wear what is most comfortable and reflective of their own style. We encourage you to dress appropriately and the key thing to remember is that we want you to enjoy the show, not kill yourself (or your wallet) over clothing.
Best answer: Wearing what makes you feel comfortable will set the tone for a wonderful evening.
Many patrons arrive 20 to 30 minutes before the concert is scheduled to begin. Will Call ticket patrons should arrive at least 30 minutes early. Latecomers will be seated at the first musical break, at the discretion of the ushers. The first piece on the program is usually short and arriving late means you might miss one piece. A video monitor in the lobby allows late patrons to hear and see the action on stage while waiting for late seating opportunities.
Although concert length varies, most performances are about two hours, including one 20-minute intermission.
Patrons have several options for parking near the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts. We recommend the following:
Metered parking (pay Monday-Saturday 9am – 6pm; free evenings after 6pm and on Sundays)
The open parking lot across from the Washoe County Court House (free on evenings and weekends). The entrance is located on Court St, between Virginia and Sierra St.
The parking lot attached to Nevada State Bank (ONLY available free in the evenings and on weekends)
It is so easy to get swept up in the momentousness of the music and start applauding alone. Don’t worry – we’ve all done it. When you get to the concert, look at the program page. Most musical compositions are made up of 3-4 sections (or movements), with brief pauses between. It is customary, but difficult, to hold your applause until the end of the final movement. If you still aren’t certain when to applaud, a good sign is when the conductor either turns around or steps off the podium. If all else fails, you can always wait for the rest of the audience to begin clapping.
Infants are not advised, as they could disrupt the patrons around you. If you have an infant, please advise the Box Office Manager so they can seat you in an area where you may easily exit in case of fussy behavior. Use discretion on whether your child is able to sit through a concert. There are many ways to expose your child to classical music. Children of all ages are welcome at Spirit of the Season and any Family Concerts that are produced with the whole family in mind.
Please note: Each person attending the concert MUST have a ticket to gain entrance to the auditorium, including infants of any age.
Bravo to you for exploring something new! We recommend you attend our pre-concert talk, Inside the Music, where conductor Laura Jackson will briefly talk about the pieces, the composers and why she chose the evening’s compositions. This extra knowledge will make the music more enjoyable–and understandable–for you. It can also help to read the program notes, which will give you a broad overview on the pieces being performed.
Please turn off all cellular or wireless phones before entering the concert hall. Please also disconnect electronic signals on watches and paging devices before the performance.
The use of flash photography, video and digital cameras or audio recording equipment is strictly prohibited during the performance. Non flash still photography is permitted, and sharing on social media is welcomed!
If you have further questions, please contact us at renophil@renophil.com.