Lenz Legacy Society
The Dr. Gilbert and Elizabeth Lenz Legacy Society acknowledges supporters who have made a legacy gift commitment to the Reno Phil. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and ensure that we will provide music to inspire future generations. Interested? Fill out the form below.
Lenz society enrollment form
Legacy gift story
Parky and Chris May
I’m Musically Illiterate.
When my wife, Chris, and I moved from Truckee to Reno several years ago we made a choice to subscribe to multiple activities here. One was Reno Philharmonic. Fast forward several years, and my wife Chris and I have now included the Reno Phil in our trust. I’m hoping you will consider making your own legacy gift to strengthen this wonderful orchestra.
Much as I enjoy it, I’m illiterate when it comes to music. Chris, on the other hand, has a music background, and had the good fortune to serve as a chaperon in Europe with American Youth Symphony before our marriage. We’ve both been involved in education for people of all ages, and appreciate how music can enrich the lives of both adults and children.
Over the years we’ve seen from the inside the high quality in which this organization functions. I’m a business person and I look at the Phil as part business, part arts provider. They are good stewards of their money. Because of this, Chris and I made a special gift to the Phil to promote the legacy gifts program as a primary way to build its endowment.
Thank you to these members who are leaving a legacy gift to Reno Phil
Founding Gifts
Vicki & Jack Barneson
Reed Bingham
Doloris Darden
Jack Fegely
Nancy & John Flanigan
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Charles Mathewson
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Elia
Hancock Family Trust
Webster Family Trust
Received Gifts
Nancy P. & Robert A Cashell, Sr.
Harlan O. & Barbara R. Hall
Gretchen M. Hass
Diane B. McCall
Nancy J. Pearl
Millard G. Reed
Hilda Wunner
Legacy Commitment
Ronald L. & Madeline Ackley
Burge Family Trust
Robert & Susan Devin
John Drakulich & Andy Hoen
Nancy A. Hoffman
James R. & Mary Ann Kidder
Edgar F. & Ella C. Kleiner
Janet & Monte Klein Family Foundation
Susan J. Krump
Warren & Janet Lerude
Lawrence & Moira Lieberman
Chris & Parky May
John McCall
Dr. Eric Nummela
John Perduk
Brett & Sarah Porter
Glenda Price
George & Roberta Prutzman
Jane Raley
Robert L. Seale
Lash & Gigi Turville
Karen Vibe
Stephen D. Williams
*As of April 7, 2022
If you have already made your legacy gift or are considering making a legacy gift, please let us know.
Please call (775) 323-6393.