Our Generous Donors

  • Sandy Raffealli / Bill Pearce Motors*

  • Deena & James Behnke*

    Bible Family Trust*

    Chris & Parky May*

  • A Friend of the Reno Phil*

    Heather Williams

  • A Friend of the Reno Phil *

    Brian Beffort & Laura Brigham

    Sandra S. Bitler

    Ed Boleky & Sandy Scarsella

    Barbara & Keith Burrowes*

    Chris & Janice Commons

    David Contis & Sandra Cath

    Arnie & Shelly Glassberg*

    Michael Gross

    Harlan & Barbara Hall Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County*

    Mary Hemminger

    Frances Henninger Williams Charitable Fund*

    Judi & Michael Henry*

    Susan Huckabay*

    Steve & Kathie Jenkins

    Warren Johnston*

    Edgar F. Kleiner*

    The Thelma B. & Thomas P. Hart Foundation*

    Joan & Hal Kraft*

    Jennifer & Bob Laity+

    Eric Lovejoy

    John McCall & Beverly Osowski*

    Charlotte & Dick McConnell*

    Sandra & Gene Mellor

    Alvaro & Linda Pascotto*

    Millard Reed & Millie Hopper*

    A Friend of the Reno Phil*

    The Rosemann Family Charitable Fund*

    Robert L. Seale & Judith F. Simpson*

    Cathy & Larry Spector

    Lash & Gigi Turville*

    Karen Vibe & Karen Goody*

    Bill Yundt

  • Kerrie Andow

    Hazel Bowen

    Raymond Conrad

    Suzette & Alan Darney

    Eileen & Aaron Doty

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    Steve & Lillian Frank*

    Allison & Jeff Gorelick

    Edwin D. & Sally A. Hale*

    Gerda Hemenway

    Susan & Douglas Hill

    Cathy & Maarten Kalisvaart

    Leonard & Sara LaFrance*

    Cecilia Lee & Peter Lenz*

    Lydia & Matt Meyer

    Nancy Northrup & Allen Black

    Marshall & Pat Postman*

    Julie & Craig Rauchle*

    Steve & Jackie Reade

    Dan & Maureen Rovig*

    Roswitha Smale

    Billy Vicars

    Elena & Philipp Weirauch

    Wishart Family Foundation

    Polly & Joe Wolfe

    Mr. David Reynolds & Dr. Gary Yup

  • Melinda & John Baum

    Edith & Brian Behler

    Skip Benton+

    Friend of the Reno Phil

    Lois & Steven Brown

    Linda Burke

    Faith Burnette & Frieda Hulka

    R. Park & Louise F. Carmon Foundation

    Shayne Del Cohen

    Judy & Bill Echols

    Nicole & Eric Gangloff

    Joyce Grunauer

    Sylvia Harrison

    Sam & Suzanne Harrosh

    Tanna Havlick

    Francis A. Hawbolt

    Jean & Maurice Heley

    Laura Jackson & Mark Clague

    Jackie & Steve Kane Trust

    Jim & Mary Ann Kidder*

    The Janet & Monte Klein Family Foundation

    Janet & Warren Lerude

    Susan & Alan Liebman

    Pat & Mark MacDonald

    Matt Means

    Kevin & Ann Marie Melcher

    Jean & Patrick Mulreany

    George & Candi Peek

    Dr. Penelope Pemberton & Carol J Neel

    Margo Piscevich

    Cynthia & James Richardson

    Kern Schumacher

    Brenda Slaughter

    Kate & Chuck Sweeney

    Cathy & Rick Trachok

    Elizabeth & John White

    Linda M. Wyckoff

    Susan Wyman-Henney & Victor Henney

  • Loren Acton

    Kathy Ahearn

    Ricki Alpert

    Regina & Fred Amoroso

    Eileen Angelucci

    Shirley Armitano

    Solveig Atwood

    Robin & Michael Barnes

    Christina & Marybel Batjer

    Elizabeth Contri Bedell

    Amber & Matthew Bergstrom

    Nancy & Ted Berndt

    Nancy S. Binz

    Sally Bishop

    Jeanne Blach

    Robert & Brenda Brown

    Jane Burnham

    Linda Carper

    Gary & Susan Clemons

    Judith & David Collins

    Nancy & George Croom

    Sharon Dally

    William & Sharon Dally

    Leslie & Michael Delage

    Craig Denney & Valerie Fridland

    John Doran

    Denise Drazy-Shedd

    Terry & Tom Drendel

    Ken Dressler

    Kris & Patrick Ellingsworth

    Virginia & Curt Dunn

    Patrick Ellingsworth

    Barbara Feltner

    Heidi & Jeff Foster*

    Barbara & Robert Fox

    Holly Gallup

    Pamela Gray

    Marcia & Charles Growdon

    William Guerra

    Cherie & Marc Hallert

    Timothy Hamilton

    Skip Hansen

    Bridget Harmon

    Judith & Francis Hartigan

    Mary Ann Hartnett

    Carrie & Michael Hillerby

    Linda Houghton

    Monica Houghton

    Loye & Stan Jaegar

    Peter & Jean Jensen

    Megan Kasden

    Ina & Mark Katzman

    Veronica Kaufman

    Bob & Ginnie Kersey

    Elizabeth & David Kershaw

    Charlie & Elizabeth Kitchen

    A Friend of the Reno Phil

    Bruce Klimoski

    Patricia & Paul Knoop

    Judith & Dietrich Kroger

    Barbara & Philip Landis

    Al & Naomi Lansdon

    Jennifer & David Lee

    Willa & Jonathan Leong

    John & Gerrie Lilley

    Dean Lohrenz

    Judy & Richard Loveall

    Bryon Majusiak

    Dennis & Denise Marks

    A Friend of the Reno Phil

    Robert Miller

    Tania Modic & Bruce Gray

    Kathleen & Steven Moore

    Michael & Colleen Muratore

    Robert Nielsen / Shelter Properties

    Meagan & Justin Noin

    Eric Nummela

    Joel France & Katherine Parker

    Carol Parkhurst

    Mary & Ron Patterson

    Paula & Jordan Paust

    Deborah & Richard Polivy

    Brett & Sarah Porter

    Roberta & George Prutzman

    Art & Penny Rangel

    Shirley & Doug Roberts

    John & Christine Sells

    Jennifer Smith & John Thayer

    Kris & Stephen Sneeringer

    Catherine Soward

    Jennifer Stern

    Trudy & Ed Stevenson

    Dorn Swigert

    Julie & Michael Teel, Owners - Raley's

    Nancy & Tom Tornga

    Mat Trachok & Marcey Mankosa

    Maria & Rick Urso

    Annette Van Dyck

    William & Jo Vanderbeek

    Karen & Chris Wagner

    Arlene Wasserman

    Norma & Ranson Webster

    Robin & Steve Welch

    Mark White

    Karen & Stephen Wiel

    Sandra O. Wilson

    Al Wooster

    Dana & Ken Yzurdiaga

    Johanna & John Zee

    Jan & Norm Ziomek

    Joann & Ron Zurek*

  • Jessica Adams

    Roy & Leslie Adams

    Carole Anderson

    Jessica Anderson

    Mimi Ash

    Rick & Christine Bareuther

    William Baribault

    Amy & Daniel Barthel

    Moira Bengochea

    James Bernardi & Duane Dooley

    Lois & David Bianchi

    Jerry Bolinger

    Deborah Braun

    Kim & Mike Britten

    Jennifer Budge

    Elinor & David Bugli

    Sue Burkhamer

    Madeline Carpenter

    Dan Carrick

    Pat Cashell

    Margot Chappel

    Virginia Clark

    Betty-Jean & Gary Cole

    Sally J. Conover

    Larry Cooper & Sara Peterson

    Shirley Cooper & Wenette Simons

    Monica Courey

    Victoria Crockett

    Barbara D'Anneo

    Col. & Mrs. Frank DeMartino

    Linda Devon

    Karin & John Dicks

    David & Jane Diedrichsen

    Iljosa Dobler

    Erica & Garry Duff

    Diane & Dale Edwards

    Jerome Edwards

    Larry & Kris Engstrom

    Gayle Ewing

    Cathy Fawcett

    Todd Felts

    Bonnie Ferrara

    Nancy Flanigan*

    Christine Fourgis

    Sue & Peter Fuerst

    David & Jeannine Funk

    Diane & Gene Gardella

    Robert Gaw

    Mark Gibson

    Alfred Giuffrida

    Ross Golding

    Linda & Frank Groseclose

    Michele Hagan

    Gordon & Jennifer Hail

    William Hall

    Barbara & Bruce Harper

    Susan Herr

    Robin Herrmann

    Dianne Hilliard

    Jane & George Holman

    Ginnie Jed & Gary Thomsen

    Ursula Ingeborg Johnson

    Ann & Doug Jones

    Pamela Joyner

    Debbie King

    Debbra J. King

    Evelyn & Justin Klatt

    Michelle Kling

    Nancy E. Kwapil

    Stephanie & Paul Lamboley

    Rick Lawton

    Janet Levine-Rowen

    Barry & Barbara Levy

    Holger & Lorraine Liepmann

    Judith Lockwood

    Regina Lockwood

    Debby Loesch-Griffin

    Rip Lonergan

    Jeff Lowden

    Cary Lurie

    Ed & Cindy Maciel

    Jordyn Mahoney

    Dominic Martin

    Michael McClure & Sue Grable

    Deena McInnis

    Margie McIntyre

    Barbara McKay

    Margaret Millar

    Diane J. & Steven L. Moss

    Lani & Doug Moss

    Barbara & James Muff

    Linda & Richard Offerdahl*

    Angela Orr

    Alice Parsons

    Patricia A. Patton

    Nancy Peterson

    Linda & Kirk Peterson

    Phyllis Pike

    Barbara & William Ramsey

    Phil Ratzlaff

    William Rivera

    Merrill & Wayne Rosen

    Janet & Alan Ross

    David Runyon

    Carol & Mike Sabarese

    Russell & Vicki Schultz

    Richard Seher & Laura Pinto

    Jan Shaw

    Jackie Shelton & Clay Hall

    May Sagawa Shelton

    Betty Sherry & Ed Murphy

    David Sholtz & Dean Miller

    Jennifer Simone

    Kathryn W. Smith

    Susan Stinchfield

    Lloyd Stradley

    Rhea & Richard Sweet

    Emily & Nigel Teekasingh

    Jane & Richard Theiler

    Marian Tremain

    LeeAnn & George Wade

    Tom Wallek

    Janel Walsh

    Mary Watkins

    Judith & Jack White Family

    Ann Wilkinson

    David Wilson

    Mary & Chris Yount

    Joan S. Zenan

  • Xabier Irujo Amezaga

    Judith & Tom Anderson

    Joel Barber

    Evangelina Barrales

    Frank Begemann

    Karen Bennett

    Sandra Bertamini

    Cookie Bible

    Mary Jo Blue & Richard Walker

    Kathleen & Phillip Boardman

    Vertical Worship

    Jan & Thomas Carnahan

    Sharon & Craig Chidester

    Janice Clarke

    Swainia Cochran

    Sue Condie

    Carol Cumming

    Roberta Dahl

    Lindy Deller-Gondoras

    Eric Denton

    Robert & Susan Devin

    Nadine DeWitt & John Sublett

    Elizabeth Donovan & Eugen Constantinescu

    Joan Dyer

    Jaimie Irigoin

    Blanche Farnam

    Christine Fey

    Carol Foster

    Elizabeth & Stephen Freeman

    Martha Galley

    Christie & Bruce Gescheider

    Bill Glaser

    David & Ruthann Grundy

    Catherine Hancock

    Linda & Ralph Hartmann

    Gerald Heston

    Susanne & Frank Howell

    Jane Johnson

    Maureen Johnson

    Mark Kennedy & Jeanette Mori

    Judy Kienle

    Judy & William Kirby

    Jane Lacey

    Kaethe Lohr

    Peggy Lowndes

    Diane & Brooks Mancini

    Joanne Marke

    Laurie Martin

    Catherine McCarthy

    Roylynne Miercort

    Fiona Miller

    Johel T. Orzano

    Jeffrey Ostomel

    Bo Park

    Robert Parker & Kathleen Bregand

    Brian Passalacqua

    Cecelia & Bob Pearce

    JoAnn P. Perry

    Sarah Peters

    Meg Price

    Baiba & Ainars Rodins

    Carl Rueckl

    Deborah & Kirk Schumacher

    Lindsay Sneath

    Constance & Robert Stanco

    James Stang

    Diane Stark & Stephen Rubin

    Zelda & Raymond Steinberg

    Robert Stewart

    Vicki Stewart

    Arlene & George Summerhill

    Rodney Sumpter & Jorge Farinacci-Sumpter

    Lillian Tanabe

    Joanie Tankersley

    Clay Teramo

    Janet Weber

    Tom Wulf

    Pat Zimmerman

  • Marynne Aaronson

    Lorin A'Costa

    Suzanne & Doug Aiton

    David Alkon

    Shirley Altick

    Jill & Fred Altmann

    Barbara Anderson

    Clay Anderson

    Clyda Anderson

    Marianne & Jim Anderson

    Shanna Anderson

    Deborah Apel

    Caroline Asikainen

    Debbie Baer

    Deborah & Arthur Bailey

    Gail Barber

    Marilyn, Michelle & Ed Barry

    Eithne & Lois Barton

    Kavitharaj Basavaraj

    Anita Marlyse Bassett

    Marie Baxter & John Forrest

    Jim Beach

    Patricia Bernard

    Matthew Berry

    Kristine & Todd Biernacki

    Dean & Julia Bingham

    Barbara & Joseph Blakely

    Dionne & Steve Bloomfield

    Lyn Blumenthal

    Tiffany Bodger

    Andy Bomberger & Jeremy Friend

    Richard Booth

    Melissa Boyd

    David Brakebil

    Michael & Pam Cosby Brandman

    Patricia & Geoffrey Brooks

    Jeanne Brower

    Fritz Brunner

    Diane & David Buckman

    Denis & Michael Budge

    John Burroughs

    Gail Bursill

    Taylor & Will Cabe

    Janice Caldwell

    Tammy Callahan

    Carney Campion

    Kathy Campion

    Pat Cantwell

    Joseph Carptenter

    Robert & Jennifer Carr

    Mario Casci

    Keiko & Rod Case

    Sunil Chand

    Jianjun Chang & Jiangtao Zeng

    Mike & Judi Chiriatti

    Donna Chnupa

    Kathleen & John Christopherson

    Carmela Cipollina

    Darrell Clark

    Christopher Coffman

    Lisa Cohn & Richard Crosby

    Elton Colbert

    Jacquelyn Colton

    Katherine Combs

    Michael Consalvi

    Joanne & Paul Covec

    JoEllen & David Cowee

    Marti & Debbie Crissman

    Catherine Cuccaro

    Marcia Cuccaro

    Michael Curl

    Paul Cushing

    Lucian Deftu

    Frankie Sue Del Papa

    Ron Delgado

    April Dockrey

    Cariolyn Dragics

    Ellen Driscoll

    Carol Duggan

    Christine Duncan

    Lynn Duncan

    Susan & David Eckes

    Leslie & Coleen Ede

    Margie Edgington

    Robert Edris

    Alisa Elliott

    Christine Emde

    James Emme

    Joe Erlach

    Rafael Fajardo

    Trisha & Titus Faulkner

    Bonnie Fechko

    Kathy & Russ Fields

    Kevin Fish

    Wendy Flapan

    Thomas Foote

    The Ford Family

    Karen Korrester

    Misha Frank

    Lisa Franklin

    Connie Frasher

    Keri Freshman

    Michael Fuess

    David Fylstra

    Michael & Cheva Gabor

    Kelly Gaffaney

    Rodger & Lucille Gannam

    Ruthie Garaventa

    Shelly Garrod

    Sharon & Steven Georgeson

    Ann Gerow

    Dennis Ghiglieri

    Cynthia Gibbs

    Kathy Gilbert

    The Gilson Family

    Kathleen & Tom Glynn

    Linda & Steve Goldschlag

    Scott Gorsuch

    Barbara & Hal Goss

    Sara Gould

    Timothy Grant

    Francine Gray

    Robert Greeley

    Carol Grenier

    Jane Grossman

    Evelyn & Fritz Grupe

    Thomas Gurgui

    Larry & Diana Haberland

    CJ Hadley & Judy Topol

    Lauren & Ryan Hail

    Boris Hallerbach

    Jack Hamacek

    DeDe Hampel

    John Handa

    Gloria Hanson

    Richard Harding

    Marsha & Christopher Harley

    Frank Harnagel

    Tanya Traughber Hart

    Linda Hartmann

    Elaine Hathaway

    Mickey Hawke

    Malcolm Heaven

    Audrey & Dawson Heck

    Douglas Hein

    Jeanne & Charles Held

    Philip Hern

    Lisa Hill

    Karol Hines

    Emily Hobson

    Charles Holland

    Erin & Tim Holland

    Melissa & James Hood

    Charissa Horne

    Carol House

    Karen Hovorka

    Kylie & Jerry Howard

    Diane Hull

    William & Kay Hutchinson

    Elizabeth Hutchinson

    Carol Mousel

    Mary Ichters

    Robert Ives

    Nancy & Dale Jackson

    Ruth Jackson

    Ellen Jacobson

    Sally Jasperson

    Alisa Johnson

    Barbara Johnson

    Monica & Tyson Kales

    Elaine Kanellos

    Lisa Kapellas

    Bruce Kaplan

    Davene Kaplan

    Joyce Kaufman

    JoEllen & Ronald Keil

    Susan & David Kelley

    Sherry Kelly

    Ann Keniston & Eric Novak

    Randy Khong

    Donald King

    Kass Kirkham

    The Kirkpatrick Family

    Paul Klipfel

    Lisa Koch

    Rachel Koch

    Cheri Kratka

    Karen Kressenberg

    Jane Kundel

    Karen Kurtzman

    Monica & Richard La Hue

    Adrienne Lacey

    Harvey W. Lambert

    Lauren & Stephen Landman

    Sue Lang

    Suzanne Larson

    Nadine Legarza

    Deniz & David Leitner

    John G. & Paula Lenz

    Brad Lingenfelter & Denise Laxalt

    John Lipinski

    Susan Long

    Clifton Low

    Douglas Lowenthal

    Kimberly Ludwig

    David Luethcke

    Monika Lutz

    Pamela Lyons

    Tom MacDonald

    Michael Mackin

    Shirley & Larry MacNeil

    Chris Maeder

    Edward & Katherine Maher

    Rita Malkin

    Carole Martin

    Linda J. Mascarenas-Colgan

    Philip Mataruga

    Martha Matles

    Karen Maurer

    Catherine & Arnold Maurins

    Sarah McCalden

    Ross McCammon

    Debbie McCarthy

    Karen & James McClenahan

    David McClure

    Diane Young McCormack

    Seong McGinnis

    Chase McKenna

    Annelise McKenzie

    Courtney McKimmey

    Barbara McMeen

    Mike & Karen Melarkey

    Kathleen Miles

    Dale & Mary E. Miller

    Korliss Miller

    Richard Miller

    Timothy Miller

    Priscilla Mills

    Kurt & Judy Mische

    Teresa Mogielnicki

    Ingrid Moore

    Steven & Amy Moore

    Virginia & James Moore

    Eric & Donna Moormann

    Leonore Moran

    Bruce Morgan

    Mary Ann Morgan

    Elizabeth Morse

    Bob & Maria Munoz

    Jeffery Murray

    Jesse Murray

    Carlin Nady

    Valerie Nelson

    Steve & Linda Newberg+

    Joyce Newman

    Linda Newman

    Nick & Dorothy Noriea

    Mary Nork

    Susan O'Leary

    Joy Orlich

    Grazyna Orzechowska

    Joe & Lois Parks

    Kenneth Parr

    Allison Pedley

    Edwin & Mariela Peralta

    Yong Phan

    John Pilkinton

    Janice Pine

    Sonja Pippin

    Jacqueline Pistorello

    Nancy Podewils-Baba

    Hilton Pollock

    Linda Pophal

    Michael Quattro

    Traci Queen-Dunn

    Linda Quinlan

    Kenneth Raabe

    Adrienne Radtke

    Jane & Bill Raley

    Kelli Ramsey

    Cindi Randall

    Alma Rapisura

    Courtney Reed Jewell & Natalie Reed

    Phil Reed

    Catherine Reichenberg

    Joyce Richards

    Heidi Riedle

    Kurt, Rachel & Zelia Ruff

    Karl Rinder

    Bruce Robertson

    Rudy Rodriguez

    Ms. Janet N. Ross

    Mary Royce

    Caryn Rubin

    Julia Rubin

    Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ruder

    Ken Rutlland

    Ingrid & George Ryst

    Mike Sady

    Samantha Saladino

    Natalie Sanchez

    Leah Sanders

    Carol Sandmeier

    Joan Sattler

    Nancy Schafer

    Debbie Schneider

    Kathleen Schonder

    Katharine Jefferts Schori

    David & Jean Scott

    Elainea Scott

    Kathy & Ramon Seelbach

    Suzy Sepahpour

    Myron & Beverly Shlapak

    Ann Silver & Scott Kipper

    Charles John & Audrey Sim

    Elaine Simpson

    Lorraine Smerdon

    Linda Smith

    Michael Smith

    Lynn Smyth

    Margaret Spano

    James Spoo

    Ardynne Sprinkle

    Jim & Susan Stanley

    June Stansbury

    Morgan Steel

    David Steele

    Alyssa & Eric Stepaniak

    Sherwood Sterling

    Sharon Sturtevant

    Kathleen Stynen

    Judith A. Sugar

    Sally & Thomas Tate

    Linda Tatum

    Alan Taylor

    Lysa & Chris Thomas

    Randi Thompson

    Amy Tirre

    Stanley & Corrine Tolle

    Barbara Trainor

    Robert Trimble

    Mike Truesdell

    Brenda Van Houck

    Nancy & Robert van Neyhof

    Doreen & Ken Vogel

    Barbara & Donald Waite

    Dorothy Walrath

    Sally Wang

    John & Vickie Wark

    Stowell Werden

    Lynn Whetstone

    Jody Whisler

    Deborah White

    Linda & Rich Wickerham

    Harold & Barbara Wiest

    Don & Nancy Wilbourn

    Erica Wilfrid

    Jamie Williams

    Virginia Williamson

    Cheryl Wilson

    Jerry Woods

    Ilia Yamboliev

    Chul Yim

    Mary & Victor Yung-Chen

    Zhou Tian

    Bob Zucco

  • Special Gifts

    These meaningful gifts to the Reno Phil are from family and friends to honor loved ones, celebrate special occasions, or recognize achievements.

    In Memory of Dan Ahearn

    Kathy Ahearn

    In Memory of Leonard & Dorothy Altieri

    Michael McClure & Sue Grable

    The Reno Phil Chorus

    In Memory of Christina Barrett

    Catherine Soward

    In Honor of Skip Benton

    Andrew Burmeister

    Al Wooster

    In Memory of Cookie Bible

    Julie Machado

    In Honor of Marco Bisio

    Dale & Mary E. Miller

    In Memory of Shirley Ann Border

    Dennis & Denise Marks

    In Memory of Susan Burkhamer

    Denis & Michael Budge

    Jen, Jeremy, Connor, Andrew & Matthew Budge

    Catherine Cuccaro

    Marcia Cuccaro

    The Ford Family

    Davene Kaplan

    Loretta & Clifton Low

    Martha Matles

    Jane & Bill Raley

    Julia Rubin

    Bob Zucco

    In Memory of Elaine Carrick

    Daniel Carrick

    In Memory of Margaret Orr Contri

    Elizabeth Contri Bedell

    In Memory of Paul D’Anneo

    Barbara D’Anneo

    In Memory of Alan Date

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Diana

    A Friend of the Reno Phil

    In Memory of Wally Dietel

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Marilyn Drendel

    Terry & Tom Drendel

    In Memory of David Rodger Faulkner

    Robert L. Seale & Judith F. Simpson

    In Memory of Richard Gallagher

    Lloyd Stradley

    In Honor of Arnie & Shelly Glassberg

    Barry & Barbara Levy

    In Memory of Alain Gregoire

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Ivan Grossman

    Jane Grossman

    In Memory of Nilsine Hansen

    Skip Hansen

    In Honor of Laura Jackson

    Kerrie Andow

    In Honor of Evelyn Klatt

    Lauren Landman

    In Memory of Ellen Kulka

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Connie Leary

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Elizabeth Lenz

    Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ruder

    In Honor of Johnny Lenz

    Brady & Associates

    In Memory of Ann Little

    Judith Lockwood

    In Memory of Marijke Logan

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Honor of John McCall & Beverly Osowski

    Morgan Steel

    In Honor of Charlotte McConnell

    Biernacki Family

    In Memory of McKenna Miller

    Marilyn, Michelle & Ed Barry

    Amy Bodner

    Pam Chavarria

    Chris & Janice Commons

    Marti & Debbie Crissman

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    Leslie & Coleen Ede

    Katharine Green

    Gordon & Jennifer Hail Family

    Lauren & Ryan Hail

    Kylie & Jerry Howard

    Laura Jackson & Mark Clague

    Ellen & Roger Jacobson

    Alisa Johnson

    Ashley Kaempf

    Lisa Kapellas

    Kewanis Club Reno-Sparks

    Erin Lorio

    Chris & Parky May

    Carlin Nady

    Nick & Dorothy Noriea

    Allison Pedley

    Jacqueline Pistorello

    Cindi Randall

    Courtney Reed Jewell & Natalie Reed

    Reno High Key Club

    Samantha Saladino

    David & Jean Scott

    Elaine Simpson

    Harold & Barbara Wiest

    Don & Nancy Wilbourn

    Mary & Victor Yung-Chen

    In Memory of Kristell Moller

    Eric Lovejoy

    In Memory of Kathleen O’Connell

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Joan Carroll Passalacqua

    Brian Passalacqua

    In Memory of John Prine

    Audrey & Dawson Heck

    In Memory of Craig Smyres

    Susan K Allen

    Julie Machado

    In Memory of Joan Stoltz

    Swainia Cochran

    In Memory of Danny Strong

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Gary Whipple

    John T. Drakulich & Andy Hoen

    In Memory of Stephen Williams

    Deena & James Behnke

    Heather Williams

    In Memory of Dianne Winne

    Sandra S. Bitler

Listing reflects all gifts received in last 15 months (updated January 31, 2024).

If your name has been misspelled or omitted, please accept our deepest apologies and notify us of the error by contacting Rachel Morris, Development & Events Director at 775-323-6393. Thank you for your generous support!

For donor benefits, please visit to www.renophil.com/individual-giving

* Indicates cumulative total of over $50,000
+A portion of this contribution includes in-kind