Youth Orchestra Member Info

Please check the calendar linked below for current schedule.

Questions? Contact, or call (775) 323-6393.

Click buttons below to access the RPYO handbook and calendars.

Still accepting applications for the following instruments:

  • French Horn

  • Trombone

  • Tuba

  • Viola

  • Bass

Please email if you play one of the above instruments and would like to apply.

RPYO Concerto competition

Every year, RPYO music students and local pianists are invited to participate in the annual RPYO Concerto Competition. The competition is optional, but all RPYO students are encouraged to apply.

The 2024 Concerto Competition will take place on November 2, 2024 at Steinway Piano Gallery, in Reno, Nevada. Registration available in September 2024.

2023 Winners

The 2023 Concerto Competition took place on November 5, 2023 at Steinway Piano Gallery, in Reno, Nevada.

Senior Piano Division
1st Place Winner: Felicity Phan
2nd Place Winner: Alden Chien

Junior Piano Division
1st Place Winner: Rylan Li
2nd Place Winner: Alexander Loosley

Senior Strings Division
1st Place Winner: Felicity Phan
2nd Place Winner: Stacy Nam
Honorable Mention: Lana Kim

Winds/Brass/Percussion Division
1st Place Winner: Tiara Chou
2nd Place Winner: Stellan Hamner-Jillson

Junior Strings Division
1st Place Winner: Nika Kalanaki
2nd Place Winner: Juliet Aiazzi Palmer
Honorable Mention: Dominic Hernandez

Grand Prize Winners:
Felicity Phan (Piano) and Nika Kalanaki

Tuition & financial aid

Student tuition doesn’t even cover half of the operating expenses of our Youth Orchestra program. Thanks to private donors and education grants, we are able to keep tuition costs for students as low as possible.

Tuition by ACH/debit (preferred), credit card, cash, or check is due at the time of music pick up each July.

Payment or auto-pay enrollment is required before music is given out or e-mailed.

  • Youth String Ensemble (YSE) – $100/year

  • Youth Strings Symphonia (YSS) – $150/year

  • Youth Concert Orchestra (YCO) – $400/year

  • Youth Symphony Orchestra (YSO) – $450/year

    • YSO Tour - $600 ($200 September, $200 November, $200 February)

    • Chamber Ensemble - $50/semester

We also offer an automatic monthly payment option to spread tuition over 10 equal monthly payments:

YSE, $10/month, & YSS $15/month, YCO $40/month, YSO $45/month.

Financial aid is also available. Request Financial Aid via the Registration Link.

want to volunteer?

Volunteers are often needed for events, rehearsal days, and auditions.

If you are interested in volunteering for the youth orchestras, please contact the Reno Phil Volunteer Coordinator, Skyler Bunn.